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Laboratory Equipment - Repair or Replace

08 August 2018

SIC Laboratory Equipment Repair

Maintenance and calibration of laboratory equipment is important to ensure dependability of results, and longtime reliability.    Equipment that is not working correctly will have a negative impact on the results of your tests.   To fix this problem, you will need to have the instruments calibrated or repaired, or replaced.   Often times, labs will have their own technicians attempt to repair their lab instruments, however this can be a problem when lab equipment is repaired it should be done by a qualified and trained technician.   Repair?  Replace?

Maintenance and/or Repair of your Equipment

  • Proper maintenance and repairs is a cost effective way of keeping your lab in good working condition.
  • Technical procedures of the equipment must be followed for the maintenance of lab equipment.
  • Proper maintenance records must be kept in order to keep sufficient intervals for the next date of maintenance.
  • If the equipment is not running correctly and is out of calibration, it reduces the accuracy of your laboratory equipment.
  • Maintenance includes proper cleaning, handling, calibration and steps that will help prevent breakage or damage.
    • When the procedure is followed correctly, you can be assured of the reliability of your equipment.
  • Sensitive instruments such as incubators, shakers, liquid handlers, plate readers, thermo-cyclers and centrifuge do require attention, maintenance and calibration on a regular basis.

Proper PM done by a qualified technician will add years to the serviceability of your instruments and reliable accuracy to your test results.

Replacing Equipment:

Replacing laboratory equipment is always the first thought when an instrument goes down.  There can be a variety of reasons for replacing laboratory equipment, depending on the part that’s malfunctioning. 

  • Weigh the age and the usage of your equipment to see if you can get more out of your instruments.
  • Sometimes lab equipment has been used for so many years beyond its life cycle, and often beyond its capacity that replacement is the only choice.
    • This is the surest but most costly option.
  • With new equipment, you pay more and you are ensured 1-3 years of care free maintenance, if handled appropriately.
  • Not every lab has a budget to replace malfunctioning equipment
    • In this case, repair and calibration provide you with improved and consistent results.

As a leader in Scientific Equipment Repair and Medical Equipment Calibrations, Scientific Instrument Center works with many corporations, universities, and hospitals providing the highest level of laboratory services. Whether we are providing biosafety cabinet calibration or medical equipment calibration, we keep your equipment performing to industry codes and regulations. Feel free to contact us at (614) 771-4700