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The Importance of Regular Calibration

16 October 2017

SIC Laboratory Equipment Repair

How often should you calibrate?

Every instrument has different calibration frequency requirements and must be done at an accredited laboratory.   

  1. You should start by following the calibration interval that is recommended by the manufacturer.  Keep up with their recommended frequency, but also remember that critical measurements may require different intervals.
  2. Calibrate instruments before a major measuring project, and remember, that it is equally important to send the same instruments for calibration after the project has finished. 
  3. If your instruments took a hit (an unforeseen accident), you must send them out for calibration.  At the same time, make sure you have the safety integrity checked as well.
  4. If you use certain equipment for critical measurements often, it would be a good idea to have a shorter time span between calibrations.  Depending on their usage, you must calibrate equipment on a monthly, quarterly, or semiannually basis.

Do not consider calibration as an action that just fine-tunes your instruments.  Calibration ensures that you can use equipment safety and reliably.   Consider Calibration as a form of Quality Assurance.  You will always get precise results when you use calibrated test equipment.